Sunday, August 24, 2014

SO....It's been awhile

   I know I haven't blogged in a long time. I also know there have been a lot of changes that I could have blogged about, but I am certain no one really cares about all of it. Plus I am so candid on twitter that there really isn't much left to talk about... so I am changing it up
  This off season I am going to start a youtube channel and do a cooking while drinking (heavily) series with my friends. I have touched on the idea on twitter, and got some good feedback.. so why the hell not!
Most people know that I cook everyday and I drink just as much (shocking I know) so why not combine the two and give you guys a little glimpse in my life. Plus it will be fun to see what the wives of some of your favorite baseball players cook for their families. 

I have already ran the idea over with some friends and everyone seems really into it. I haven't told everyone on the list that they will be shooting an episode... so SURPRISE

My baseball wife guest stars (as of now):

Shanel Saunders
Ashley Upton
Kelsey Putz 
Kelsey Ellsbury
Kaycee Sogard (though she doesn't drink so we might make this a group one, I cant' be the only drunk one)
Lauren Teahen (another group situation)
Jessica Cahill
Amy Goldschmidt 

So far these are the only girls I am forcing to do it with me, but I am certain as the bugs get worked out and the channel expands I will have many more stepping up to drink all my wine and cook their favorite family meal.

I will update this blog with the full recipe and behind the scenes pictures and notes. I hope yall enjoy this project as much as I am certain I will enjoy making the episodes.
